Weight Release Is In The Cards For You

My Weight Release Program (WRP) is not a diet, I call diets, DIE with a T. Diets do not work as they are unsustainable! The WRP is about us learning how to have a relationship with food, so we eat to live and not live to eat. Food is delicious, my WRP is going to help you re-develop good eating habits while building muscle with exercise and shedding unwanted fat pounds.

If you need to lose 25, 40, 60 pounds or more, let me help you do it the correct way.  If the scale is not changing significantly despite exercise and changing your diet, it could  be that your metabolism is broken because of Insulin Resistance.  I use the most innovative medical technology and peptides to help you achieve results quickly.

We are not looking to lose weight, because every time I ever lost something i did not want I found it. This is a program to help you release those unwanted pounds...let them go....forever. Once I teach you how to release the weight, you will have the tools to keep the weight off for the rest of your life.

Look at my before and after pictures, some of these transformations took a year to achieve. Was it easy? No, when has anything you ever wanted to achieve been easy, but it is possible and quite doable.

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